Zhongyou Heavy Industry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

Bosh sahifa
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Biz bilan bog'lanish

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
kopmaniya nomi
To'rt ustunli bosing

Bosh sahifa /  mahsulot /  To'rt ustunli bosing

Barcha toifalar

To'rt ustunli bosing
Chuqur chizilgan press mashinasi
G'ildirakli arava yasash mashinasi
Metall eshik yasash mashinasi
Kompozit materiallar pressi
Issiq zarb press mashinasi
H ramkani bosing
Tuz bloklarini presslash mashinasi
C tipidagi bosing
Maxsus gidravlik press
CNC vertikal torna

Barcha kichik toifalar

Metall shtamplash press mashinasi
Teshish va kesish uchun press mashinasi

315Ton multifunctional hydraulic press is used for bearing press-fit automobile maintenance O'zbekiston

Kelib o'rni:

 Tengzhou Xitoy

Tovar nomi:


Model soni:



Idoralar ISO

Minimal Buyurtma miqdori:


Qadoqlash Tafsilotlar:

Namuna gidravlik press va qolipni o'z ichiga oladi. Batafsil ma'lumot uchun biz bilan bog'laning.

Yetkazish vaqti:

15-45 kun

To'lov shartlari:


Ta'minot qobiliyati:

50 to'plam / m

  • Mahsulotning umumiy ko'rinishi
  • ilovalar
  • Batafsil rasmlar
  • Ishlash xususiyatlari
  • Ixtiyoriy konfiguratsiyalar
  • Paket va etkazib berish
  • Sotuvdan keyingi xizmat
  • Kompaniya haqida
Muammo bormi? Sizga xizmat ko'rsatish uchun biz bilan bog'laning!

Muammo bormi? Sizga xizmat ko'rsatish uchun biz bilan bog'laning!


315吨二梁四柱多功能1102027D (4)_副本.jpg

This 315ton multifunctional gidravlik press consists of two beams (upper and lower beams) and four columns to form a frame structure. The structure is simple, economical and practical, with good stability and rigidity, and can withstand greater pressure and load.
The main functions of the two-beam four-column press include correction, shaping, disassembly and assembly of cylindrical conical bearings, and pressing and assembly of various tight-fitting parts. In addition, it is also suitable for pressing processes of various plastic materials, such as stamping, bending, flanging, etc., as well as correction, pressing, grinding wheel forming, pressing and molding operations of plastic products, rubber products and powder products.

1. Correction and shaping: used to correct deformed workpieces and restore their original shape and size.
2. Disassemble and assemble cylindrical tapered bearings: It can easily disassemble and assemble cylindrical tapered bearings to improve work efficiency.
3. Press-fit various tight-fit parts: suitable for the installation and press-fit of various parts that require tight fit.
4. Plastic material pressing process: such as stamping, bending, flanging, etc., suitable for the processing of various materials such as metal sheets and plastic products.
5. Versatility: By changing molds or adjusting process parameters, different processing techniques can be realized, such as stamping, bending, stretching, straightening, pressing, etc., to meet the diverse needs of different industries and users.

315吨二梁四柱多功能1102027D (55)_副本.jpg

1. Two-beam four-column structure: composed of two beams (upper and lower beams) and four columns, the frame structure is simple, economical and practical, with good stability and rigidity, and can withstand greater pressure and load
2. Ko'p qirrali: With a variety of processing functions, different processing techniques can be realized by changing molds or adjusting process parameters, such as stamping, bending, stretching, straightening, pressing, etc., to meet the diverse needs of different industries and users.
3. Yuqori aniqlik: The use of advanced hydraulic control systems and precision mechanical structures can ensure the accuracy of pressure and displacement control during processing, thus improving the quality and consistency of processed products.
4. Yuqori samaradorlik: The hydraulic press works at a fast speed and can be automated, which greatly improves production efficiency and reduces labor costs.



Biz uskunalarni o'rnatish, disk raskadrovka va foydalanish bo'yicha treninglarni o'z ichiga olgan keng qamrovli sotishdan keyingi xizmatni taqdim etamiz. Biz qulay foydalanish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish uchun gidravlik press foydalanuvchi qo'llanmasini taklif qilamiz.


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315ton multifunctional hydraulic press is used for bearing press fit automobile maintenance-69 Email 315ton multifunctional hydraulic press is used for bearing press fit automobile maintenance-70 WhatApp 315ton multifunctional hydraulic press is used for bearing press fit automobile maintenance-71Top

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